The Best hospital of Eastern India

Healthworld Hospitals, Durgapur, West Bengal (India) is a 300 bedded tertiary care hospital inaugurated on 25th August 2017 and is situated in the heart of the city with close proximity to the NH2 (Kolkata-Durgapur Expressway). The hospital is designed to be a leading integrated healthcare delivery provider of the region. At Healthworld Hospitals, we aim to deliver outstanding healthcare combined with a healing touch. We are committed to providing patients with a comprehensive range of tertiary and secondary care services backed by state of the art technology, infrastructure and trained clinicians.

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300+ Hospital Beds
300+ Hospital Beds
35+ Departments
35+ Departments
24 Hours Laboratory
24 Hours Laboratory
Chairman's Message

Healthcare in our country is still not structured in a way that it percolates to all those who need it. Regarding the super speciality care the lesser said the better. In the Eastern parts of the country the advent and promulgation of Super-speciality healthcare is relatively new compared to other parts of the country. For multiple factors this region had fallen behind the other regional counterparts. At that point of time...

- Dr. Arunangshu Ganguly

Our Facilities

24 Hours Laboratory
24 Hours Laboratory

This is a 24 hrs laboratory with six full time specialists. Two full time histopathologists trained in Tata Medical Center...Read More

512 Slice CT Scan
512 Slice CT Scan

This revolution CT Scan machine is the first installation in India. This machine can do the fastest scan in few seconds...Read More

512 Slice CT Scan
1.5 Tesla Silent MRI Scan

This is the first silent MRI machine in the district of West Bengal, outside Kolkata...Read More

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