This is a 24 hrs laboratory with six full time specialists. Two full time histopathologists trained in Tata Medical Center. All routine histopathological facilities including Immuno histochemistry. Full time biochemist, microbiologist, Haematologist etc. The laboratory is equipped with fully automated analysers and other state of the art equipments.
This revolution CT Scan machine is the first installation in India. This machine can do the fastest scan in few seconds, hence minimum radiation hazard to the patient. Highest safety to the patient. A brain CT Scan is possible in one minute. This has a software which can provide 4D reconstructed image.
This is the first silent MRI machine in the district of West Bengal, outside Kolkata.
This MRI machine does not produce any sound while the scan is in progress, giving comfort and convenience to the patient.
1.5 Tesla MRI gives the best quality image.